[Padre-dev] Missing modules
Shawn H Corey
2015-09-25 12:43:59 UTC
I tried installing Padre via perlbrew and I got this:

! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Parse::ErrorString::Perl'
is not installed, Module 'Debug::Client' is not installed, Module
'Wx::Scintilla' is not installed

Shouldn't they be part of the install?
Don't stop where the ink does.
Gabor Szabo
2015-09-25 12:48:34 UTC
Post by Shawn H Corey
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Parse::ErrorString::Perl'
is not installed, Module 'Debug::Client' is not installed, Module
'Wx::Scintilla' is not installed
Shouldn't they be part of the install?
AFAIK they are and the cpan client should enforce the dependencies, but
I've seen cases when the cpan client
disregards the failure of a dependency and install the module anyway.

You can try to install those missing modules directly.

Shawn H Corey
2015-10-01 01:52:23 UTC
On Fri, 25 Sep 2015 15:48:34 +0300
Post by Gabor Szabo
AFAIK they are and the cpan client should enforce the dependencies,
but I've seen cases when the cpan client
disregards the failure of a dependency and install the module anyway.
You can try to install those missing modules directly.
I think it's complaining about some shared libraries not being present.
It can't compile without the header files. The problem is that the
things it says are missing are not always the same name as their
package. Sigh.
Don't stop where the ink does.