[Padre-dev] Padre on Linux
Daniel Axtell
2015-04-04 17:27:47 UTC
I'm a Perl developer on Linux and I've been using Padre for a while and it enhances my productivity considerably.  That being said I have issues with it 

First, I have never been able to get it to run on OpenSuse, my preferred distribution, as the Wx stuff never seems to install.  I've tried building from source, but always get hung up with the Wx stuff, where some libraries never seem to be available.
I've since moved to Kubuntu 14.04, which includes a Padre package  for 1.0, but it crashes frequently without error messages.
Note that I've only really tried this with KDE, I don't want to switch to Gnome just for this.

So I'm wondering is there a Linux distribution with a known stable release of Padre?  Alternatively, are there directions for building from source on Linux?  Padre seems more Windows oriented.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Gabor Szabo
2015-04-05 05:51:41 UTC
Hi Daniel,
Post by Daniel Axtell
I'm a Perl developer on Linux and I've been using Padre for a while and it
enhances my productivity considerably. That being said I have issues with
First, I have never been able to get it to run on OpenSuse, my preferred
distribution, as the Wx stuff never seems to install. I've tried building
from source, but always get hung up with the Wx stuff, where some libraries
never seem to be available.
There is a mailing list and other channels of support dedicated to wx on
Perl http://www.wxperl.it/p/support.html
It would be nice if you could set up a VirtualBox images of OpenSuse and
and get help from the wxperl folks to get
wx compiled on OpenSuse.
Post by Daniel Axtell
I've since moved to Kubuntu 14.04, which includes a Padre package for
1.0, but it crashes frequently without error messages.
Note that I've only really tried this with KDE, I don't want to switch to
Gnome just for this.
So I'm wondering is there a Linux distribution with a known stable release
of Padre? Alternatively, are there directions for building from source on
Linux? Padre seems more Windows oriented.
It has been developed on Linux and Windows in parallel so it should work on
both equally well.
For debugging I'd suggest you launch it from the console, by typing
"padre". That way when it crashes, you might see an error message there.

Alternatively, or in addition, I'd suggest you clone the GitHub repository
https://github.com/PadreIDE/Padre and try to
run padre from there. (Without installing it). I think the GitHub repo has
a few fixes that have not been released yet,
but it will certainly make it easier to fix things if the errors you see on
the console give a reasonable hint.

